
February 27, 2014 Articles

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  1. Agency proposes quality measures for renal ACO
  2. Balloon dilatation safely, effectively treated Crohn’s disease strictures
  3. Childhood obesity may increase cardiac events in adulthood
  4. CMS says no delay in ICD-10 compliance deadline
  5. Crizotinib beyond progressive disease improved survival in ALK-positive NSCLC
  6. Dermatologic surgeons performed more medical, cosmetic procedures in 2013
  7. FDA clears Victus for corneal incisions
  8. FDA, AGS workshop yields consensus recommendations
  9. FDA, EMA: Claims that incretin mimetics cause cancer lack data
  10. First Medicare Administrative Contractor allows coverage of MIS sacroiliac joint fusion
  11. Foreign-born patients more likely to be diagnosed with TB-associated uveitis, researchers find
  12. Hajj pilgrims may contribute to transmission of influenza
  13. Healio Minute Thursday, Feb. 27, 2014 Edition: Hepatitis C burden grows, ulcers respond to tissue repair drug, nasal pertussis vaccine tested
  14. Incidence of varicella zoster virus infection low among pediatric cancer patients
  15. Indoor tanning among high school students linked with risk-taking behaviors
  16. Lateral pillar preservation linked with lower risk of femoral collapse in osteonecrotic cases
  17. Long-term survival rates high for pediatric low-grade gliomas
  18. Majority of SLE patients exceeded recommended hydroxychloroquine dosages
  19. Markers predicted aggressiveness in early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma
  20. Mediterranean diet lowered CV risk more effectively than low-fat diet
  21. New drug showed promising results against neonatal enteroviral sepsis
  22. No changes proposed to meningococcal vaccine recommendations for MSM
  23. Ondansetron use not reaching its target audience in children with gastroenteritis
  24. Physical activity scale for the elderly questionnaire not recommended for post-TKA evaluation
  25. Poor functional outcome may persist a decade after early stroke
  26. Positive preliminary results reported in phase 1b re-treatment trial of QLT091001
  27. Potential biomarker identified to aid depression diagnosis
  28. Potential biomarkers of death identified in Ebola hemorrhagic fever
  29. Psychosocial outcomes related to severity of congenital adrenal hyperplasia
  30. Registry, core lab data show modest agreement in angiographic readings
  31. Research describes concussion-related health issues in retired NFL players
  32. Rockwell Medical reports increase in sales, lower R&D expenses for 4th quarter of 2013
  33. Serious fall injuries increased in older adults on antihypertensive agents
  34. STAAR reports revenue growth for fourth quarter, full year
  35. Straight IM nails for proximal humeral fractures may yield better outcomes
  36. Study finds long-term multivitamin supplement use decreases cataract risk in men
  37. Study: More research needed to help children with neuro, visual impairments
  38. Thyroid cancer ultrasound screenings cost-effective for obese patients
  39. Two types of breast tissue abnormalities equally likely to progress to cancer