January 03, 2014 Articles
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- Adjuvant paclitaxel and trastuzumab extended DFS in HER-2–positive breast cancer
- AF registry data reveal low use of novel oral anticoagulants in Europe
- Alphatec Holdings announces new chief operating officer
- Anti-VEGF outperforms grid laser treatment for macular edema after BRVO
- CE-MARC: CMR more sensitive than SPECT at detecting CAD in both sexes
- Chronic marijuana use tied to brain abnormalities, poor memory
- Donald C. Fletcher, MD, receives Secretariat Award from AAO
- Eleven Biotherapeutics files registration statement for proposed IPO
- EURODIAB: High, low HbA1c levels increased risk for all-cause mortality
- Genetic variations may affect cortisol levels, severity of age-related osteoporosis
- Guidelines issued for diagnosis, treatment of HF in children
- Half of respondents reported itchy rash lasting more than 3 days
- HBV vaccine recommended for all unvaccinated at-risk HCWs
- Healio Minute Friday, Jan. 3, 2014 Edition: Lack of alternatives spurs Medicaid ER visits, FDA recalls muscle supplement, bacteria have longer ‘shelf life’
- Hepatitis took decades off expected life span
- Hispanic women less aware of CVD, weight status and complications
- Histoplasmosis outbreak associated with old house demolition
- Measles vaccination programs underway in South Sudan displacement camps
- Minorities received fewer skin exams, exhibited less melanoma awareness
- New MRI technique shows wrist in motion
- Ocular surface prosthetic may be alternative for irregular corneas
- Patient age, diabetes increase mortality risk after TKA
- Potential mechanism found for high TP53 mutation incidence in therapy-related AML, myelodysplastic disorder
- RA patients focused more than physicians on pain assessments
- School-age children spread RSV to household members
- Stent OK’d for marketing to treat pseudocysts of pancreas
- Study: No correlation between tear osmolarity, self-reported ocular symptoms
- Study: Patients with Medicaid have increased urgent care usage in Oregon
- Subclinical hypothyroidism may be overestimated in nearly 20% of elderly
- Survival rates improved with early initiation of hemodynamic support
- TB more likely in infants exposed to HIV-1