
July 24, 2013 Articles

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  1. Abbott acquires ophthalmic surgical distributor in Brazil
  2. ACG issues guidelines for diagnosis, management of achalasia
  3. Cortisol stress response absent in healthy children undergoing surgery
  4. CV screening recommended for cancer patients receiving chest radiation
  5. Ellipsoid portion of inner segment line portends visual acuity after macular hole surgery
  6. Fecal microbiome, volatile organic compounds differ between obese NAFLD patients, controls
  7. Healio Minute Wednesday, July 24, 2013 Edition: Databases target cancer, illegal diabetes drugs exposed, aspirin’s latest benefit
  8. Members of Congress signing letter saying ESRD bundle payment cut too harsh
  9. miR-155 offers prognostic value in MBL, CLL
  10. New treatment strategies for food allergies in development
  11. Next-generation IVUS catheter receives FDA clearance
  12. Novartis reports 5% decrease in quarterly net income
  13. Patients with diabetes at increased risk for physical disability
  14. Phase 3 results show InSite drugs unable to fully resolve blepharitis
  15. Several factors led to West Nile outbreak in Dallas County
  16. SLE patients with discoid lupus erythematosus at risk for other clinical manifestations
  17. Soy protein supplement failed to prevent prostate cancer recurrence
  18. Spine fusion patients have improved disability, health-related quality of life scores at 1 year
  19. SpineVision appoints new chief operating officer
  20. Sports medicine groups release team physician consensus statement
  21. Study finds superior tibial alignment with portable TKA navigation system
  22. Study: Emotional support groups boost visual quality of life
  23. Supportive co-parenting increased positive child behavior, despite parents' sexual orientation
  24. Tafinlar, Mekinist approved for metastatic melanoma treatment in Canada
  25. The NIMBY reaction to remodeling the physician pay formula
  26. Varicella immune globulin recommended for postexposure prophylaxis
  27. Vitamin D concentration did not correlate with atopic dermatitis severity in children
  28. Young children, elderly at increased risk for norovirus