June 13, 2013 Articles
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- A closer look at athletic participation for patients with ICDs
- Addition of ganetespib to docetaxel improved response, survival in lung adenocarcinoma
- Adverse events similar for PCI, CABG in older patients with unprotected left main CAD
- Changes in prevalence of pneumococcal serotypes related to introduction of conjugate vaccines
- Childhood neglect, emotional abuse requires early intervention
- Choice of erythropoiesis stimulating agent in ESRD
- Computerized decision support for anemia management in hemodialysis patients
- Deceased-donor partial liver transplants viable for young children
- Different focus identified for mitigating pandemics
- Epidemic meningitis cases in Africa hit 10-year low
- ESAs and irons in the pipeline: How do they differ?
- Estrogen delivery methods examined in girls with Turner’s syndrome
- Evidence on different risk rates among anti-VEGF agents not significant at present
- Exercise with Swiss ball improves walking in patients with ankylosing spondylitis
- FDA approves Xgeva to treat giant cell tumor of the bone
- First, Do No Harm
- Foldable silicone artificial iris creates natural effect in post-traumatic eyes
- Four lifestyle changes linked to better heart health
- Gluten-free diet may mitigate elevated atherosclerosis risk in celiac disease
- Healio Minute Thursday, June 13, 2013 Edition: Fractures in women deserve scrutiny, mom’s obesity puts unborn at risk, threat to antibiotics goes global
- How do we operationalize the individualization of ESA dosing and target Hb levels?
- Improved survival in kids a boost for ESRD therapy
- Intervention improved antibiotic use for bacterial respiratory tract infections
- Is eliminating the floor for the Hb range consistent with patient-centered care?
- Korb: MGD must be treated to prevent gland atrophy
- Labor does not cause IOP increase in healthy women
- Lanx welcomes new member of Surgeon Advisory Board
- Lessons learned from my father: 'John D'
- Managing a dialysis clinic: The ever-changing landscape
- Metabolic PET imaging provided earlier warning of CAD
- NICE initially recommends Jetrea for vitreomacular traction
- Parkinsonism risk significant among patients with psoriasis
- Secondhand smoke lengthened hospitalization in infants with respiratory infections
- Study finds ACL tunnel placement is consistent, but tunnel location differs
- Supreme Court rules human genes cannot be patented
- Systemic JIA patients successfully discontinued corticosteroids through canakinumab therapy
- Thorough capsule peeling improves lens stability, quality of vision in IOL exchange
- Ustekinumab effective in treating psoriatic arthritis at two dose levels
- Weekly paclitaxel produced fewer toxicities than biweekly schedule
- Why a fluid manager makes sense in your dialysis clinic