
September 27, 2012 Articles

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  1. ‘Sexting’ discussions urged during pediatrician visit
  2. Alternative medicine reduced PTSD symptoms in returning combat vets
  3. Amedica receives 510(k) clearance for fusion devices with silicon nitride
  4. Anti-VEGF use for AMD may not increase stroke risk
  5. AOSA, VOSH spearhead World Sight Day Student Challenge
  6. Applanation resonance tonometry offers reliable IOP readings after LASEK
  7. Blood leukocyte changes matched those in breast tumor stroma
  8. CCT increases after congenital cataract surgery in children
  9. Corneal cross-linking improves visual acuity, refraction in keratoconic eyes
  10. Elderly patients with high TSH levels may not benefit from treatment
  11. FDA approves Stivarga to treat metastatic colorectal cancer
  12. FDA approves Stivarga to treat metastatic colorectal cancer
  13. Former NFL players at increased risk for neurodegenerative mortality
  14. Mexico establishes universal health care within 10 years
  15. National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day set for Thursday
  16. New compound improved HF symptoms in patients with CKD
  17. Officials urge public to receive flu vaccination
  18. Officials urge public to receive flu vaccination
  19. Rate of joint replacement procedures increase faster than UK population
  20. Researchers caution using instability score as surgical management guide
  21. Risk for liver-related death higher with chronic HBV than HCV
  22. Routine intervention improved glycemic control in adolescents with type 1 diabetes
  23. Six variables predictive of in-hospital stroke, death after carotid stenting
  24. Social factors associated with very thick melanomas
  25. Social factors associated with very thick melanomas
  26. THESUS-HF study reveals trends in acute HF in Africa
  27. Viral illness patterns in children differ among urban vs. rural areas
  28. Vitamin D levels not associated with RA at baseline, therapy response