
August 18, 2011 Articles

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  1. FDA pushes back action date for priority review of wet AMD treatment
  2. iCo Therapeutics to begin phase 2 trial for novel DME drug
  3. Mayo Clinic to receive $3 million to translate recent genomic discoveries into medical tools
  4. OSN introduces first-of-its-kind retina section
  5. Patient survival with beta-blockers varies in US vs. rest of the world
  6. Pioneer announces successful implantation of new interbody spacer
  7. Postcasting orthotic protocol retooling could improve Ponseti technique success rates
  8. Previous cancer history increases chances of VTE after knee arthroscopy
  9. Self-referral a significant factor in imaging growth, study finds
  10. Strategies needed to address insecticide resistance in malaria-endemic countries