
March 12, 2010 Articles

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  1. AAOS honors Douglas W. Jackson, MD, with Diversity Award at its 2010 meeting
  2. AAOS honors humanitarian for 3 decades of medical mission work
  3. Augustus A. White III, MD, PhD, receives Tipton orthopedic leadership award
  4. Close social networks played a role in Adenovirus 14 outbreak
  5. Denileukin diftitox improved overall response rate in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
  6. Early initiation of metformin reduced risk for failure
  7. Enterovirus surveillance may be insufficient for estimating burden in Taiwan
  8. FDA will continue review of bisphosphonate, femur fracture risk
  9. Guideline warns against using nerve stimulation device for chronic low back pain
  10. Higher prevalence of MSSA seen among orthopedists compared to their patients
  11. Influenza B vaccine strain selection continually problematic
  12. Influenza B vaccine strain selection continually problematic
  13. InSite Vision narrows loss for fourth quarter, full year
  14. Ista receives October action date for FDA review of once-daily bromfenac ophthalmic solution
  15. LDL apheresis for severe refractory hypercholesterolemia
  16. Light-to-moderate alcohol consumption not associated with weight gain in women
  17. New bimatoprost formulation approved in 27 European Union countries
  18. Orthopedic collective mobilizes to bring disaster relief to Haiti quake victims
  19. Phaco, small-incision cataract surgery have no postop differences in endothelial cell count loss
  20. Platelet-rich fibrin matrix shows no impact on clinical outcomes, study finds
  21. Postoperative local analgesia infiltration shown to have no effect following THA
  22. Primary, secondary prevention fronts for breast cancer
  23. Size, stage of tumor not duration of symptoms are better predictors of survival rate
  24. Study links mild SCFE in young patients with development of symptomatic FAI