SAPHO Part 1
What is SAPHO? What does the ‘H’ stand for, again? This episode explores some basics about the condition and delves into the history of how this disease came to be.
- Intro :01
- Welcome to another exciting episode of Rheuminations :11
- About today’s episode :17
- What does the acronym ‘SAPHO’ stand for? :37
- How do you define this condition? 2:35
- So, what is SAPHO syndrome? 4:59
- Are any of the letters specific for SAPHO syndrome? 15:20
- How the puzzle pieces were put together 15:48
- Over the next ensuing decades, when did we start realizing that patients could have dermatologic manifestations? 23:00
- So, what about hyperostosis? 30:46
- Why isn’t the Sonozaki group getting the credit? 39:22
- So, how did we get SAPHO? 40:26
- How did they get 85 patients? 42:50
- We went through a lot in this paper 45:29
- Next episode preview 46:29
- Thanks for listening 47:03
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