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September 11, 2024
4 min read

CDC data reveal three social drivers that influence suicide risk

Antiphospholipid Syndrome News

October 29, 2019
2 min read

Cancer, infection risk higher among patients treated with IL inhibitors

Cancer, infection risk higher among patients treated with IL inhibitors

Rheumatology patients treated with interleukin inhibitors have an increased risk for serious infections, opportunistic infections and cancer, according to data published in JAMA Open Network.

October 14, 2019
2 min read

Rivaroxaban does not show noninferiority to vitamin K antagonists in antiphospholipid syndrome

Rivaroxaban does not show noninferiority to vitamin K antagonists in antiphospholipid syndrome

Rivaroxaban failed to demonstrate noninferiority to dose-adjusted vitamin K antagonists in patients with thrombotic antiphospholipid syndrome, and the agent even showed a nonsignificant doubling of the risk for recurrent thrombosis, according to results from an open-label, randomized, noninferiority trial published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.


September 11, 2024
4 min read

CDC data reveal three social drivers that influence suicide risk

September 20, 2019
13 min read

When Autoimmune Disease Strikes Thrice: Managing Multiple Autoimmune Syndrome

When Autoimmune Disease Strikes Thrice: Managing Multiple Autoimmune Syndrome

By the time Lilly Stairs was diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis at the age of 19 — following an arduous series of tests and doctor visits — she had already been living with an autoimmune disease for 12 years.

July 08, 2019
3 min read

EULAR: Identifying thrombotic, obstetric risk factors key to managing antiphospholipid syndrome

Identifying high-risk factors for thrombotic and obstetric events is crucial in managing antiphospholipid syndrome, and all women with antiphospholipid syndrome should be counseled on contraceptive use, pregnancy planning and postmenopausal hormone therapy, according to new EULAR recommendations published in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.

June 21, 2019
5 min read

Social media opens new avenue to advocacy in rheumatology

Social media opens new avenue to advocacy in rheumatology

Political activism is more accessible than ever thanks to the amplification offered by social media, and rheumatologists can use social media — particularly Twitter — to advocate for the profession and their patients, according to Angus Worthing, MD, private practice rheumatologist and chair of the Government Affairs Committee for the American College of Rheumatology.

May 24, 2019
8 min read

Speaking the Language: Health care execs join United Rheumatology to advocate for independent practice

Speaking the Language: Health care execs join United Rheumatology to advocate for independent practice

In the ever-changing landscape of the United States health care system, rheumatologists need a voice. They need a voice in managing the complex web of drug pricing structures, a voice in developing clinical guidelines, and, on a fundamental level, a voice in simply communicating with all the players involved in running the day-to-day operations of a rheumatology practice.

April 30, 2019
2 min read

Congress of Clinical Rheumatology to feature both well-known, 'off the circuit' speakers

Congress of Clinical Rheumatology to feature both well-known, 'off the circuit' speakers

More than 620 registered attendees from 45 states and 11 countries are traveling to Destin, Florida, this week for the 2019 Congress of Clinical Rheumatology, scheduled for May 2 to 5, according to David McLain, MD, FACP, FACR, where they will learn about a wide range of topics from speakers they may not hear anywhere else.

April 08, 2019
2 min read

Antiphospholipid syndrome affects 1 in 2,000, peak risk among elderly

Antiphospholipid syndrome affects 1 in 2,000, peak risk among elderly

Antiphospholipid syndrome has an annual incidence rate of 2.1 per 100,000, with an estimated prevalence of 50 individuals per 100,000 with a notably higher incidence among patients older than 55 years, according to data published in Arthritis & Rheumatology.

March 13, 2019
2 min read

Fighting an 'invisible epidemic' during Autoimmune Disease Awareness Month

Faced with an increasing incidence and prevalence of autoimmune disease in the United States —approximately 23.5 million Americans are affected across the country, according to the NIH — Bonnie Feldman, MBA, DDS, says it is time to acknowledge what she calls “an invisible epidemic.”

February 27, 2019
1 min read

National Rare Disease Week goes to Washington

More than 500 patient advocates met in Washington, D.C., this week in recognition of National Rare Disease Week, where they aim to educate and lobby members of Congress, as well as empower themselves to become better voices for those with conditions that seldom get the spotlight.

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