January 16, 2018
1 min read

CreakyJoints publishes first patient-centered OA guidelines

Seth Ginsberg
Seth Ginsberg

CreakyJoints — an online, non-profit community for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and related conditions — has published the first patient-centered osteoarthritis guidelines.

The guidelines, written by a panel of patients, rheumatologists and CreakyJoints staff writers, have been specifically designed for people living with OA and their caregivers. According to Seth Ginsberg, BS, president of cofounder of CreakyJoints, which is part of the Global Health Living Foundation, the guidelines will help patients “arm themselves with education and information that will allow them to become central to making decisions about their treatment strategy.”

“The OA Patient Guidelines contain patient-friendly information, written in plain language, for people to reference during their doctor visit — as well as other interactions with health insurers, employers, family and friends,” Ginsberg told Healio Rheumatology. “Our patient guidelines cover a wide range of treatment and management options, explained in context, to help families wade through complex information in between doctor appointments.”

As with previous patient guidance provided by CreakyJoints, the OA guidelines open with a “patient charter” that declares patients should be “at the center of the care, with access to treatments that are not limited” by financial or other barriers. The guidelines detail symptoms, diagnoses and possible prognoses related to OA, as well as various treatment options including, medications, physical therapies, diets, exercise and meditation.

The OA guidelines — called “Raising the Voice of Patients: A Patient’s Guide to Living with Osteoarthritis” — are available for download at CreakyJoints’ website along with other guidance addressing rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and family planning for patients living with arthritis.

“Rheumatologists, orthopedists, primary care physicians and physical therapists are invited to review and recommend these patient guidelines to their patients, so that people impacted by OA can be better equipped to discuss relevant treatment topics, or ask questions that may arise about their care,” Ginsberg said. – by Jason Laday

Disclosure: Ginsberg reports employment with CreakyJoints.