August 10, 2017
1 min read

Dementia risk may increase with higher levels of serum uric acid

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Among elderly patients with gout, the risk of dementia was greater in those with higher levels of serum uric acid, according to a recently published study.

“[In] a large prospective cohort of elderly people, high [serum uric acid] SUA levels were associated with increased risk of dementia, especially vascular or mixed dementia,” the researchers wrote.

Researchers assessed 1,598 patients with a total of 13,357 person-years of follow-up. There was a crude incidence rate of dementia of 8.2 per 1,000 person-years. The greatest association between dementia and SUA was 1.79. The association was greater for vascular or mixed dementia (hazard ratio = 3.66) compared with Alzheimer’s (hazard ratio = 1.55).

“These results require confirmation in other prospective large-scale studies including younger individuals with long follow-up duration and ideally repeated measurements of SUA,” the researchers wrote. – by Will Offit


Disclosures: The researchers report no relevant financial disclosures.