Issue: February 2017
February 20, 2017
1 min read

The Management of Comorbid Conditions in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis

Issue: February 2017

Strong evidence demonstrates that patients with rheumatoid arthritis are at a high risk for developing several comorbid disorders; these conditions may have atypical features, and thus may be difficult to diagnose. In one study, an estimated 80% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis had one or more comorbidities.

If not managed effectively, comorbidities can have wide-ranging impacts on patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) – worsening their levels of physical disability, increasing support needs, reducing their ability to work and increasing risk of mortality. As many of these co-existenting conditions respond to preventive or therapeutic measures, comorbidity needs to be detected and managed to reduce impact on patients with RA.

In this CME Outfitters decision-tree medical simulation, participants navigate the clinical challenges presented by a patient with RA. Along the way, expert faculty provide guidance, insights and evidence for the positive and negative consequences of their decisions. This actionable, evidence-based simulation will improve clinician confidence in their ability to recognize and assess comorbidities; improve coordination of care among health care providers; help them develop personalized treatment plans for managing comorbid conditions by improving their ability to recognize and assess comorbidities; improve coordination of care among health care providers, and help them develop personalized treatment plans for managing comorbid conditions in patients with RA.

Click here to see this Education Lab Activity

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this CE activity, participants should be able to:

  • Recognize and routinely assess for comorbid conditions in patients with RA.
  • Devise a plan to coordinate care with other health care providers to appropriately manage comorbidities in patients with RA.
  • Engage patients in discussions about comorbidities associated with RA on each visit.


Author(s)/Faculty: Leonard H. Calabrese, DO;M. Elaine Husni, MD, MPH

Source: Healio Rheumatology Education Lab

Type: Multimedia

Articles/Items: 2

Release Date: 10/14/2016

Expiration Date: 8/5/2017

Credit Type: CME

Number of Credits: 1

Cost: Free

Provider: Vindico Medical Education

CME Information

Provider Statement: This continuing medical education activity is provided by: CME Outfitters

Support Statement: Supported by an educational grant from Pfizer Inc.

Target Audience: Rheumatologists. internists, primary care physicians, physician assistants, nurse practioners, nurses, pharmacists and other health care providers who manage patients with rheumatoid arthritis.