April 28, 2016
1 min read

ACR offers response to MACRA proposed rule issued by CMS

Joan Von Feldt, MD, MSEd, president of the American College of Rheumatology, issued a response to the proposed Medicare Access and Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act that reportedly replaces the sustainable growth rate formula.

In a statement from Von Feldt, the rule was described as a “significant shift in how rheumatologists are reimbursed for the Medicare services they provide,” and added that the new rule suggests CMS may have taken input from the rheumatology community on the development of a value-based system.

“The importance of rheumatology care to our nation’s Medicare program cannot be overstated,” Von Feldt said in the release. “Rheumatic diseases are the nation’s leading cause of disability and cost the U.S. health care system an estimated $128 billion annually. Given the growing demand for rheumatology care and the shortage of rheumatology specialists available to provide care to Medicare patients, it is imperative that the new payment system and reporting requirements be simple, transparent and tenable — especially for small and rural rheumatology providers.”

In the release, Von Feldt said the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) would continue to review the proposed rule and submit detailed feedback to CMS, and that the ACR is “encouraged” by the reduced quality reporting requirements, clearer distinctions on the qualifications for using an alternative payment model and merit-based incentive programs, increased flexibility in outcome measures and other terms of the proposed rule.

