Fact checked byKristen Dowd

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December 26, 2023
2 min read

Top 10 COPD stories of 2023

Fact checked byKristen Dowd

Healio Pulmonology has compiled the top news on COPD posted in 2023.

Readers were most interested in the usefulness of nonprescription portable oxygen concentrators, the FDA’s warning letter to AstraZeneca on misleading claims made about its COPD therapy, what inhaler combination leads to more reductions in exacerbations and cardiovascular risks, the benefits associated with using an oral positive expiratory pressure device and data from two phase 3 trials that evaluated ensifentrine (Verona Pharma) among patients with COPD.

COPD Blocks
In 2023, Healio Pulmonology readers were most interested in the usefulness of nonprescription portable oxygen concentrators. Image: Adobe Stock

Here are Healio’s top 10 most-read stories on COPD from 2023.

Nonprescription portable oxygen concentrators may not be ‘clinically useful’

For patients who need ambulatory oxygen, over-the-counter portable oxygen concentrators sold online that do not require a prescription may not be helpful, according to study results published in Respiratory Care. Read more.

FDA sends warning to AstraZeneca on misleading COPD therapy promotional communications

Due to misleading claims in a sales aid for Breztri Aerosphere, a triple inhaled therapy for COPD, the FDA issued a warning letter to its manufacturer, AstraZeneca. Read more.

Inhaler combination outperforms others in reducing COPD exacerbation, cardiovascular risks

Glycopyrronium/indacaterol (Ultibro Breezhaler, Novartis) reduced the likelihood for severe acute exacerbations and cardiovascular events compared with tiotropium/olodaterol (Stiolto Respimat; Boehringer Ingelheim) among patients with COPD, according to study results published in CHEST. Read more.

Oral positive expiratory pressure device may aid in COPD breathlessness, desaturation

Patients with COPD who experience breathlessness and exertional desaturation may see improvements with use of an oral positive expiratory device, according to study results published in Respiratory Care. Read more.

Ensifentrine improves lung function, exacerbations, quality of life in patients with COPD

Over 12 or 24 weeks, patients with COPD receiving ensifentrine showed improved measures of lung function, quality of life and exacerbation rate, according to an American Thoracic Society International Conference presentation. Read more.

Hospital readmission penalties fail to improve care quality for patients with COPD

Quality of care for patients with acute exacerbations of COPD did not improve after the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program was put in place compared with the period prior to the program’s implementation, according to study results published in American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Read more.

Inhaled corticosteroids lower risk for all-cause mortality in patients with COPD

Patients with COPD treated with inhaled corticosteroids for more than 6 months had a decreased risk for all-cause mortality, according to study results published in CHEST. Read more.

Brain activity can predict improvements in breathlessness during pulmonary rehabilitation

A model that factors in brain imaging markers of breathlessness expectation, questionnaires and physiology measures predicted changes in breathlessness during pulmonary rehabilitation, according to study results published in Thorax. Read more.

Fixed-ratio spirometry misses COPD diagnoses in African American patients

A fixed-ratio criteria of FEV1/FVC less than 0.7 for COPD resulted in fewer diagnoses in African American vs. non-Hispanic white individuals, according to results published in Journal of General Internal Medicine. Read more.

Odds for COPD in young population increase with ozone, household air pollution exposure

Individuals aged 15 to 50 years faced heightened odds for COPD if they had been exposed to household air pollution and elevated ambient ozone levels, according to results published in Thorax. Read more.