Fact checked byGina Brockenbrough, MA

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May 03, 2023
1 min read

Celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month with a focus on physician burnout in orthopedics

Fact checked byGina Brockenbrough, MA

Healio celebrates Mental Health Awareness Month with a focus on physician burnout, an emerging public health crisis among orthopedic physicians and providers.

The toll of perfectionism: Burnout in orthopedics

Characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and a low sense of personal accomplishment, the published literature has shown between 40% and 60% of orthopedic surgeons will experience episodes of burnout during their career. Read more.

Image of burnout
Healio celebrates Mental Health Awareness Month with a focus on physician burnout. Image: Adobe Stock

Several personal, professional factors may contribute to burnout among orthopedic surgeons

Several personal and professional factors, including sex, race and work hours, may contribute to a higher risk of burnout among orthopedic surgeons. Read more.

System-level changes needed to reduce burnout among physicians

While numerous individual level interventions have been recommended to address burnout among physicians, research has shown that system-level changes also need to be made to reduce burnout. Read more.

How is mental wellness being addressed among orthopedic residents, fellows?

Physician wellness is a hot topic among health care workers. Burnout has been found to be common in physicians along with low job satisfaction, high stress and low quality of life rating. Read more.

Half of Canadian female orthopedic surgeons report career burnout

Results published in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery found a relationship between career burnout and barriers to gender equity, with 50.5% of Canadian female orthopedic surgeons reporting career burnout. Read more.

High grit scores associated with scholarly productivity in orthopedic residents

Grit is a trait-level perseverance, hardiness and mental toughness that is associated with clinical performance, residency match rates and decreased burnout rates. Read more.

Effective communication, transparency at all levels will help reduce burnout

Effective communication and transparency are invaluable to build a sustainable environment to prevent and reduce burnout. Read more.