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February 07, 2023
1 min read

Endoscopic procedure may be safe, successful treatment for lumbar spondylolysis

Published results showed interlaminar percutaneous endoscopic pars decompression may be safe and successful among patients with stable lumbar spondylolysis and nerve root compression.

Perspective from Kern Singh, MD

Researchers assessed clinical parameters related to outcomes, including the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and VAS for leg pain, among 11 patients with lumbar spondylolysis before and after interlaminar percutaneous endoscopic pars decompression. Researchers also preoperatively and postoperatively evaluated radiological outcomes, vertebral slippage percentage and motion radiographs.

Data were derived from Sriphirom P, et al. Int J Spine Surg. 2022;doi:10.14444/8413.

Results showed 63.3% of patients achieved more than 50% improvement in the ODI score and 90.91% of patients achieved more than 50% improvement in VAS score at a mean follow-up of 22.64 months. Researchers found patients who spondylolysis with vertebral slippage had inferior ODI improvement outcomes vs. patients with spondylolysis alone. However, researchers noted no significant difference in VAS pain score between the groups. Although researchers observed no significant difference in the slippage percentage between the preoperative and postoperative periods, one patient experienced vertebral slippage after surgery but did not require fusion surgery.