DME Awareness

Jay Chhablani, MD

Chhablani reports no relevant financial disclosures.
February 16, 2024
2 min watch

VIDEO: How AI impacts diagnosis, treatment of DME


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I think artificial intelligence plays a very important role in diabetic macular edema. Particularly like I was discussing earlier, identifying these imaging biomarkers, because if we can diagnose these imaging biomarkers, we can apply AI and we can have an early diagnosis for our patients. And I'm sure that now you all are aware that now we have one of the algorithms, which is FDA approved for diabetic retinopathy diagnosis. And similarly, we are looking into the future where we can actually use these imaging biomarkers as our training data set and identifying these biomarkers in our patients or large data sets as well as predicting the treatment outcome. So, I would say artificial intelligence has a very important role in diagnosis, predicting the outcome, as well as deciding what kind of treatment options we can give. However, these imaging modalities keep evolving all the time and we keep learning newer things about imaging in diabetic macular edema. We are still far away in actually predicting diabetic macular edema, treatment response, but I think this is a good time where we can start training our AI models and expect them to diagnose these diabetic macular edema changes at a much earlier stage.