Diabetic Macular Edema Video Perspectives

Yasha Modi, MD

Modi reports consulting for AbbVie/Allergan, Alcon, Apellis, Astellas, Bausch + Lomb, DORC, EyePoint, Genentech, Regeneron, Thea and Zeiss.
January 09, 2024
1 min watch

VIDEO: Ability to reverse perfusion needed in diabetic macular edema


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Whenever we think about unmet needs, there’s always going to be two that come to the forefront. We all have patients who are getting, you know, the best anti-VEGF, the best steroid treatment, and yet, they have persistent diabetic macular edema, they have disruption of the retinal layers, and their visual recovery is incomplete. Now, that may be because the cards have already been dealt; maybe there’s progressive ischemia at this window of time. And so, I think when we think about unmet needs, we need additional targets, we need more potent medications, and then sort of the big, what I would consider the panacea of diabetic retinopathy, is the ability to reverse perfusion. It’s basically to take patients where they have a lack of oxygenation and to say can we reverse non-perfusion because I think that’s something that no drug in the marketplace can do at the moment.