Diabetic Macular Edema Video Perspectives

Rishi P. Singh, MD

Singh reports consulting for Alcon, Apellis, Genentech, Novartis and Regeneron.
February 01, 2023
2 min watch

VIDEO: Dual-targeting treatments in DME


Editor’s note: This is a previously posted video, and the below is an automatically generated transcript to be used for informational purposes. Please notify editor@healio.com if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

A dual targeting is something new obviously, as we talked about, you know, we are just now getting the treatment faricimab in our practices to use that therapy and we're learning about it, how it's being used. We have some interesting data now coming out from a variety of different studies. I'm doing a study, for example, in the IRIS registry, looking at specific dual action agents. I know that there's the TRUCKEE study which has patient populations with diabetic macular edema that's looking at it in a prospective fashion. There's obviously phased four studies that are ongoing with the drug as well, so we'll have some durability data. You know, the idea of angiopoietin-2 being an important molecule in this condition is w2well known. We just didn't have the ability to inhibit it prior and in a way that we could do it together with VEGF is an appealing option. It saves people an injection potentially if they would've had to have a secondary therapy applied to this too. So lot of opportunity there to potentially do dual action therapy that would potentially suppress this disease. We know that angiopoietin-2 has roles and inflammation and has roles and increase in the durability of the VEGF option as well and has roles in also inflammation that is not addressed right now with VEGF therapy. So together, I think these could make a really good option for patients.