Glomerular Disease Video Perspectives

Craig Gordon, MD

Gordon reports consulting and serving on the speakers’ bureau for Alexion Pharmaceuticals.

April 05, 2023
2 min watch

VIDEO: KDIGO's guidelines offer clinicians a resource on 'entire spectrum' of glomerular diseases


Editor’s note: This is a previously posted video, and the below is an automatically generated transcript to be used for informational purposes. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

What is published and is readily available through an organization called KDIGO which stands for Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes, and they have a website with dozen or more guidelines. In 2021, KDIGO published a superb Clinical Practice Guidelines on Glomerular Disease across the entire spectrum of all the conditions we discussed and a few I haven't even discussed. And so that document is absolutely wonderful with great figures, really helpful tables, and a lot of wonderful information, and they've also found some ways to disseminate that and that's accessible to anyone, nephrology, other specialists, I mean literally anyone.

KDIGO is also being very proactive because of the ongoing changes in the field. So KDIGO's involved in sort of a rolling basis, providing updates to this guideline. So, actually I'm involved on the evidence review team for one of these.

And so in the upcoming months they'll likely be updates to first lupus nephritis and ANCA vasculitis and others potentially coming down the road in the years to follow. So I'm not sure how frequently those will come. It's gonna, I think, depend on how quickly the work gets done but that's really a superb resource to get access to the thoughts of sort of international work group panel with a tremendous expertise in glomerular disease. So that's a really good resource for nephrologists and others.