Hyperphosphatemia Management Video Perspectives

Kevin Martin, MD

Martin reports serving on scientific advisory boards for Ardelyx and Amgen and working on data safety monitoring boards of studies for Advanced Therapeutics, Ticida and Vifor Pharma.
October 31, 2023
2 min watch

VIDEO: Preventative measures for high risk patients with hyperphosphatemia


Editor’s note: This is an automatically generated transcript. Please notify emichael@healio.com if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

I think it's the understanding is everything. So if you can, if the physician takes it seriously and monitors it closely and you can convince the patient to go along with you here and try to help and do what they can, because it's better for their future, that they can get onboard early. One of the other issues that contributes to the problem is that these parathyroid glands get overactive in the presence of kidney disease in many cases. And it too can contribute to raising the levels of phosphorous in blood. And so the part of the preventive measures are to monitor and limit the degree of overactivity of these parathyroid glands, because as they dissolve and bring minerals out of the bone, it also contributes to phosphorus levels rising in the serum. So I think the earlier you start to try to control the problem in the course of chronic kidney disease, the more you can prevent the parathyroid glands from growing. Which down the line means that you're mobilizing less phosphorus from bone, and it takes a good step towards achieving the control. So I think it's really the best preventive measure is the ability to start early, number one. And an education, number two, to try to emphasize the importance of the problem.