Hyperphosphatemia Management Video Perspectives

Kevin Martin, MD

Martin reports serving on scientific advisory boards for Ardelyx and Amgen and working on data safety monitoring boards of studies for Advanced Therapeutics, Ticida and Vifor Pharma.
October 31, 2023
1 min watch

VIDEO: Treatments in pipeline to address unmet needs in management of hyperphosphatemia


Editor’s note: This is an automatically generated transcript. Please notify emichael@healio.com if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

Yes, because I think as we learn more about the mechanisms of phosphorus absorption, they can be additional pathways that can be targeted. And many of these transport pathways can be targeted directly or indirectly. And maybe this can all work together. And if you can bind phosphorus with the phosphate binders and any phosphorous that escapes that could be hindered from being absorbed, then that would give you another tool. And some, with a lot of things in the body that when you inhibit one, you compensate it another way. And so if you can attack all of these mechanisms where you can eliminate any compensation to other pathways, then we might achieve better ways to control it. And obviously you have to do that by minimizing any side effects that any of these agents can produce. So maybe in the future, we'll end up with a combination of medicines that target all these pathways of phosphorus absorption. And maybe together they can get a better impact than we can with any one agent alone.