Hyperphosphatemia Management Video Perspectives

Kevin Martin, MD

Martin reports serving on scientific advisory boards for Ardelyx and Amgen and working on data safety monitoring boards of studies for Advanced Therapeutics, Ticida and Vifor Pharma.
October 31, 2023
1 min watch

VIDEO: Nonpharmacological options in management of hyperphosphatemia


Editor’s note: This is an automatically generated transcript. Please notify emichael@healio.com if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

Well, really the tools we have to try to deal with it without drugs is to try to control the diet. And that brings its own set of difficulties because diets tend to be troublesome and they tend to be more expensive. And really you have to diet the entire household to try to go with low phosphate foods. So that's really the mainstay of the control. And then to try to achieve a consistent removal of phosphorus on dialysis. The way we do dialysis today of three times a week is not sufficient to remove all of the phosphorus that's taken in every day. So, whereas a good dialysis session might remove one day's worth of phosphorus, you have four other days in the week where that's not helping. And so the three times a week dialysis is just not sufficient to try to remove the amount of phosphorus that enters the body on any given day.