HIV Awareness

Carlos del Rio, MD

del Rio reports no relevant financial disclosures.
March 28, 2024
1 min watch

VIDEO: Lessons learned from the HIV response may benefit other diseases


Editor’s note: This is an automatically generated transcript, which has been slightly edited for clarity. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

The involvement of community that happened from the beginning of the HIV response is something that we should do in response to every single disease and infectious disease, but every single disease, whether it's cancer, diabetes or tuberculosis. Also how, you know, science, industry, community, people impacted by the disease work have worked together, I think that's another important lesson. And again, going back to how the response has been a global response, to me, it's a very important lesson. We have not allowed disparities in access, right? We have expanded ART globally, not just in the U.S. So thinking about a global approach, I think it's also a very important one.