HIV Awareness

Donna Sweet, MD

Sweet reports no relevant financial disclosures.
August 22, 2024
1 min watch

VIDEO: 'More to come' in developing HIV treatments


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Lenacapavir has been approved for treatment, although it sort of doesn't have a home because there's no other long acting that can be put with it at this point. So right now, lenacapavir is restricted mostly for people who are resistant to the other classes of drugs. There's a lot of work going on with islatravir, which is probably the one that's coming closest to being available in a couple of three years. But a lot of work on islatravir. And the good news is we have some wonderful drugs in terms of bictegravir and dolutegravir combinations. There were quite a few studies that looked at changing, moving from one to the other if there was resistance. And the good news is we have meds that pretty much can control anyone who wants to aggressively take their pills and do it well. So, more to come, but I think the injectables or prevention, as well as treatment would be wonderful for a lot of our patients who have trouble taking a pill every day.