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Hereditary Antithrombin Deficiency Video Perspectives

Hereditary Antithrombin Deficiency Video Perspectives is a source for diagnostic and treatment updates, as well as analysis from experts in the field.

Michael D. Tarantino, MD

Michael D. Tarantino, MD, tenured professor of pediatrics and medicine at the University of Illinois College of Medicine and founder, medical director and president of the Bleeding & Clotting Disorders Institute, spoke with Healio about the treatment and management of hereditary antithrombin deficiency.

In this video, Tarantino discusses:

  • When to treat patients with heparin and when to treat using an antithrombin concentrate;
  • Why it is important to aggressively treat patients with type one antithrombin deficiency who have already experienced a clot;
  • How he handles the treatment and management of the large cohort of patients enrolled in the Bleeding & Clotting Disorders Institute’s antithrombin deficiency clinic;
  • The treatment method for patients with hereditary antithrombin who are pregnant; and
  • How the need for endogenous antithrombin may potentially be circumvented by new thrombin inhibitor and direct factor 10 inhibitor anticoagulants.    
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