Brain Tumor Awareness

Tracy T. Batchelor, MD

Batchelor reports no relevant financial disclosures.
August 14, 2024
1 min watch

VIDEO: Advanced MRI techniques enhance outcomes for patients with brain tumors


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Imaging is of fundamental importance to the clinical practice of neuro-oncology. We use it really for diagnostic purposes. It's helpful also in treatment planning. And, of course, imaging is also important for monitoring brain tumors or monitoring response of brain tumors to treatment.

You know, some of the more recent developments have been the use of really advanced MRI to precisely plan surgical approaches to tumors to really maximize tumor removal and minimize the risk of neurological injury. And so that's really helped our surgeons do better resections and it's also enables our patients to come out of those procedures with neurologic function intact. And the main imaging modality we use in clinical practice for diagnosis and monitoring is really MRI and MRI, you know, with contrast enhancement. That's the goal standard for following brain tumors.