Targeted Therapies in Multiple Myeloma Video Perspectives

Ajai Chari, MD

Chari reports research support from/being principal investigator for Janssen; and consulting/serving on scientific advisory board for AbbVie, Adaptive, Amgen, Antengene, BMS, Forus, Genentech/Roche, GSK, Janssen, Karyopharm, Millenium/Takeda and Sanofi/Genzyme.

July 22, 2024
1 min watch

VIDEO: Innovations in cellular therapy for multiple myeloma


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So right now in terms of cellular therapy, we have proved for BCMA, we have ide-cel and cilta-cel, but a lot of exciting work is ongoing. So there's three different companies at least that are doing GPRC5D CARs, and those are preliminarily interesting because they seem to have a little bit less of the side effect profile of targeting GPRC5D by bispecific. We also have CD19 CARs and dual cars, so CAR Ts that are targeting both CD19 and BCMA, and some of those are showing really promising activity. We also have CD70 CARs, which are under investigation. And so I think a lot of exciting options. The SLAMF7 cars are also under investigation, but really a lot of innovation happening in the field.