Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Video Perspectives

Tania Jain, MBBS

Jain reports no relevant financial disclosures.

July 01, 2024
2 min watch

VIDEO: Developing curative strategies shows unmet need in myeloproliferative neoplasms


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Keeping in mind the recent developments, the drugs in the pipeline, I think the one thing that we still are ways away, or at least a little ways away, is development of curative strategies in in MPNs, right? I mean, there are several drugs in the pipeline now, there's the MDM-2 inhibitor navtemadlin, there is the nuclear exporter inhibitor, the selinexor, there's the BET inhibitor collaborative, which seem to be moving forward, but none of them in the data that I know of so far have shown evidence that could be curative. So the need absolutely is to develop non-transplant based curative strategies. The only potentially curative strategy we have at this time is a stem cell transplant or a bone marrow transplant and that's something that comes with its own risks and comes with its own, you know, failures, so to speak. And while it has helped or it does help on an ongoing basis, many, many of our patients, it's certainly not something that's successful in all and can be associated with mortality related to transplant itself and can also be associated with relapses following transplants. So the other unmet need, I would say, is making transplants better, such that they can continue to benefit more and more of our patients while we think about other strategies that can be potentially curative.