Breast Cancer Awareness

Eleonora Teplinsky, MD

Teplinsky reports no relevant financial disclosures.
September 28, 2023
1 min watch

VIDEO: Circulating tumor DNA will 'revolutionize' breast cancer treatment


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There are so many things, but really to nail it down what I'm really most excited about is we know that some patients with early-stage breast cancer will recur and we know others won't. And where we struggle with is figuring out, well exactly who has a much higher risk of recurrence. And even within that, sometimes you just can't predict it. So there's a number of ongoing research studies really trying to figure out are there other biomarkers? Are there ways that we can predict recurrence? Number of studies looking at circulating tumor DNA which I think will revolutionize how we think about breast cancer treatment and predicting recurrence in the future. And really this notion of personalized medicine. For example, in metastatic space, we have seen the approval of Elacestrant (Orserdu; Stemline Therapeutics) which is a medication for patients who developed the ESR1 mutation for hormone receptor positive breast cancer. This is really targeted therapy and I'm really excited to see more research like that. Identifying which mutations, which biomarkers are driving disease progression and targeting those specifically.