Lymphoma Awareness

Brian T. Hill, MD, PhD

Hill reports consultant/advisory roles with ADC Therapeutics, AstraZeneca, Bristol Myers Squibb, Genentech, Gilead, Morphosis and Novartis.
May 26, 2023
2 min watch

VIDEO: Greatest areas of unmet need in relapsed, refractory DLBCL


Editor’s note: This is an automatically generated transcript, which has been slightly edited for clarity. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

One is the cases of the patients who have, you know, are relatively young and fit, maybe in their 50s or 60s, and have really difficult-to-control lymphoma. In that case, we talked about cell therapy as being really the new standard of care for relapsed or refractory disease. But, unfortunately, it doesn't work all the time. And maybe 50% or 60% of the time, patients won't enter a durable remission with CAR T-cell treatment. So, in that case, subsequent lines of therapy are available, but there's not one proven winner and that sort of situation is difficult to approach clinically. So, I think that's a big unmet need. The other really big unmet need in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma is the elderly patient population or those with significant comorbidities or organ dysfunctions that preclude even administering R-CHOP therapy. For those patients, oftentimes reduced doses or mini R-CHOP or palliative treatments are offered. But I think that with some of the newer therapies we have coming online, there may be opportunities to improve the outcomes of the elderly or frailer patient population.