Lymphoma Awareness

May 03, 2023
2 min watch

VIDEO: Data from ASH 2020 shows potential of CAR T-cell therapy in indolent non-Hodgkin lymphoma



Editor’s note: This is a previously posted video, and the below is an automatically generated transcript to be used for informational purposes. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

I think for me the abstract that really stands to impact practice sooner rather than later was the work presented by Caron Jacobson evaluating CAR-T cell therapy in patients with indolent non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Once this becomes FDA approved as an indication I suspect that this will rapidly find its way into the management algorithm for many patients with relapsed low grade lymphomas. Although these patients tend to have prolonged survival, many of them currently are requiring ongoing therapy or a number of different therapies over time which can have accumulating toxicity as well as accumulating costs. So I think the ability to use CAR-T cell therapy in this setting is quite exciting. I also think that the Loxo 315 compound is looking quite good. I don't know when that will necessarily be approved and available for use outside of the clinical trial but I do expect that over the next year or two it will become more widely available and does stand to potentially change the way we incorporate BTK inhibitors and sequence them into the management of CLL as well as some non-Hodgkin lymphomas. It's unclear whether this will take the place of currently available BTK inhibitors or potentially be used in those patients that have previously relapsed after a BTK inhibitor, but it does appear to be a very effective new therapy and I'm excited about seeing where it goes.