Lymphoma Video Perspectives

Jing-Zhou Hou, MD, PhD

Hou reports being on advisory boards for AbbVie, AstraZeneca and Genentech, and receiving research funding from AstraZeneca. He also reports being a principal investigator in lymphoma studies sponsored by AbbVie and Genentech.
June 16, 2023
2 min watch

VIDEO: Using circulating tumor DNA to guide lymphoma therapy ‘a great area to explore’


Editor’s note: This is a previously posted video, and the below is an automatically generated transcript to be used for informational purposes. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

This is an exciting area that regarding the president tumor DNA. This area has been wildly, explored in solid tumor, for hematology malignancy with behind a little bit. But for the lymphoma, which is this play more and more important roles, in terms of prognosis. And also to assess the treatment response, and possibility for to detect early relapses. What I see in this area is this need to be verified with our traditional or standard care, for monitoring this disease, for prognosis response, and a relapse. The gold standard right now for an lymphoma, still a CT or particular PET-CT. Other gold standard to assess the prognosis, and a response on the relapse. I think the study really is in the future will be, how do we combine this tumor circular DNA, and then with capacity and, you know, prospective trials. The as a biomarker, and to prove the usefulness or people of this new technology. But I do see this a great area to explore. I do see in the future that the trial will be, is highly needed. There'll be a great area to explore.