Lymphoma Video Perspectives

Jing-Zhou Hou, MD, PhD

Hou reports being on advisory boards for AbbVie, AstraZeneca and Genentech, and receiving research funding from AstraZeneca. He also reports being a principal investigator in lymphoma studies sponsored by AbbVie and Genentech.
February 24, 2021
2 min watch

VIDEO: Areas of unmet need in lymphoma


Editor’s note: This is a previously posted video, and the below is an automatically generated transcript to be used for informational purposes. Please notify if there are concerns regarding accuracy of the transcription.

This is really a big question. As I mentioned the beginning. Lymphoma really is already a heterogeneous spectrum of a disease. From a Indolent to highly aggressive summer lymphoma just like acute leukemia, very least or highly deadly. Summer lymphoma are very Indolent, people live there for years. But in general that the great need for this area, will have to be where to specify what type of tumor. What I see the greater need weight is either T-cell lymphoma, and particular some of the other type of T-cell lymphoma, as NK/T-cell lymphoma. This area, which just has not a great data or study, to improve other lymphoma transplant. And other area for the B-cell lymphoma are Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The great need is for the Indolent lymphoma. Unfortunately for the Indolent lymphoma still not curable, unless to the patient undergoes bone marrow transplant. But they'll come. The transplant come with other significant comorbidity, and risk of complications. So what I see in the future is how can we cure this, the lymphoma. What I see in the future with immunotherapy. and hopefully the immunotherapy in different ways, many different ways can really improve the cure rate. For not only for the large B-cell lymphoma, which is curable from bone standard chemotherapy, bone marrow transplant, and now we have CAR T-cell therapy. So we have three curative modality, for Gracie large B-cell lymphoma. So for the now for the Indolent and Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, this is the area I see that immunotherapy in different forms, such as the CAR T, or BiTEs antibodies, or other immunotherapy. Hopefully will provide this potential curative options for the patient.