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December 16, 2022
2 min watch

VIDEO: Additional risks for therapy-related myeloid neoplasm development identified

NEW ORLEANS — Abhay Singh, MD, MPH, of the Cleveland Clinic discusses the results of a study presented here on therapy-related risk factors for the development of myelodysplastic syndrome and acute myeloid leukemia in cancer survivors.

In a 15-year SEER-Medicare analysis of risk factors beyond chemoradiotherapy exposure for therapy-related myelodysplastic syndrome and AML development in breast cancer survivors, Singh and colleagues identified exposure to granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, or growth factor, as well as any sort of immunosuppression, as additional risk factors for facilitating neoplasm development.

"If we can understand the molecular underpinnings that are at play that facilitate this evolution, early identification is possible,” Singh said. “Early identification can lead to prevention of MDS and AML in this cohort of patients, so that is the next step or future direction for us based on these results," Singh said.