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Diabetes Central

Fast Facts

Quick and informative diabetes facts

  • Worldwide, approximately 537 million people aged 20 to 79 years have diabetes.
  • According to the American Diabetes Association, 37.3 million Americans have diabetes, including 1.9 million with type 1 diabetes. Of the total, 8.5 million were undiagnosed.
  • The International Diabetes Federation projects that by 2030 the number of people living with diabetes will increase to 643 million. By 2045, the number is projected to increase to 783 million.
  • More than 1 million children worldwide have type 1 diabetes.
  • Demographically, American Indians/Alaska Natives have the highest rate of diagnosed diabetes at 14.5%.
  • Diabetes is in the top 10 leading causes of death among Americans at No. 8, though the actual number may be higher due to underreporting.
  • Type 1 diabetes accounts for 5% to 10% of diagnosed cases of diabetes.
  • For people with diabetes, medical costs are nearly double as compared with those without diabetes.
  • Between 1980 and 2014, the number of people worldwide with diabetes rose by 108 million.
  • Changes in lifestyle such as eating healthier, exercising and avoiding tobacco use are the best ways to avoid or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes, according to WHO.
  • Approximately 96 million adults aged at least 18 years had prediabetes in 2019.
  • Elevated levels of blood glucose during pregnancy result in gestational diabetes in 2% to 10% of women each year.
  • Half of all women who develop gestational diabetes are eventually diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
