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In this video, Saakshi Khattri, MBBS, MD, assistant professor of dermatology, rheumatology and internal medicine at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, provided recommendations for clinicians managing patients with psoriasis.

“For me, psoriatic arthritis is always in the picture. So any and every psoriasis patient I see as a dermatologist, I always question or try to find out whether there are risk factors for developing psoriatic arthritis or whether they have developed psoriatic arthritis that is undiagnosed,” advised Khattri.

She also discussed risk factors for psoriatic disease, as well as what to keep in mind when serving patients with psoriasis.

“Certainly family history is a risk factor because it implies in some ways genetic susceptibility,” said Khattri. “There are triggers.”

In the final video in this series, Khattri spoke with Healio about some of the subtypes of psoriatic diseases and which are the most difficult to treat.

“If you have pustular psoriasis in your hands and feet or generalized pustular psoriasis, they're a little challenging to treat,” she said.

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