Psoriasis Awareness

Ahmad Shatil Amin, MD

Amin reports receiving speaker or consulting fees from AbbVie, Amgen, BMS, Dermavant, Incyte, Janssen, LEO, Lilly, Pfizer, Regeneron, Sanofi-Genzyme, and UCB.
March 01, 2024
2 min watch

VIDEO: Staying on treatment key for patients to maintain control of psoriasis long-term


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Psoriasis is a chronic condition, right? So it's really hard to make someone's psoriasis go away and stay away without any treatment. Sometimes it does happen. Sometimes someone's psoriasis can go into hiding and not come back for a while, even without any treatment. But oftentimes if someone wants to maintain control of their psoriasis, they need to continue on treatment whether it's intermittent use of their topical treatments or continue use of their systemic treatments.

We know that for the most part, if someone has severe psoriasis, if they go on a systemic treatment, their psoriasis, generally speaking, will be under control as long as they continue the treatment. Sometimes these treatments do lose effect over time, and that will sort of necessitate using a different therapy if the treatments do lose response over time. If we use that, the definition of remission is a condition going away and not needing any treatment, but that's really hard to achieve.

We don't really have any treatments that have been identified as therapies that can make the condition go away and not necessitate any treatments. Our therapies that we have do a good job controlling the condition as long as you stay on them, but we don't give patients any expectations that any of our existing therapies will necessarily make their psoriasis go away and stay away without any treatments.