Psoriasis Awareness

Ahmad Shatil Amin, MD

Amin reports receiving speaker or consulting fees from AbbVie, Amgen, BMS, Dermavant, Incyte, Janssen, LEO, Lilly, Pfizer, Regeneron, Sanofi-Genzyme, and UCB.
March 01, 2024
3 min watch

VIDEO: Latest treatment advancements for psoriasis


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We're really lucky in 2024 that we have a lot of really fantastic treatments to treat someone with psoriasis. You know, anyone who's got bad psoriasis, we have the great targeted treatments that treat some of the underlying root causes, some of the signaling molecules of the immune system that drive psoriasis. Some of the nearest advantage that we have are probably topical treatments for psoriasis. You know, I think historically in the past, we have relied mostly on topical steroid creams and ointments to treat psoriasis.

We've had some other things like other creams that were based on vitamin D derivative. There's two new creams that work in totally different ways that were approved in the last year or two. You know, one is a medicine called VTAMA, which is not a steroid, which is a once-daily application cream that in clinical trials has shown to have some pretty darn good efficacy in treating patients with mild, moderate psoriasis. The other cream that's also available is another cream called ZORYVE which also is not a steroid. It's a once-daily application, which has also shown to have decent efficacy. These are great advancements because, you know, in the past, we really didn't have great effective non-steroids that really worked all that well.

And so these two products actually offer a lot of hope to patients who want to stick with topical treatments. With both, you know, VTAMA or ZORYVE, you can often get patients who, you know, have significant plaques of psoriasis and often get them to clear very nicely. And again, the nice thing is that because they're not steroid ointments, we're comfortable with patients using them daily for long periods of time. And so that's been a really great advancement in psoriasis because we haven't really had any advancements in topical therapies in a long time. I'd say the other most recent update, our newest oral therapy for psoriasis is a medicine called SOTYKTU. And you know, that's a, you know, medicine that blocks a particular enzyme called TYK2.

And it's pretty novel because, you know, we don't have a lot of oral therapies for psoriasis. And SOTYKTU kind of in the clinical trials was shown to be a pretty effective oral therapy. It was compared in a head-to-head trial against our other oral therapy that's available for psoriasis, Otezla, and SOTYKTU was found to be superior to Otezla with better tolerabilities. And then our needleless injectable option for psoriasis is a medicine that was approved at the last few months called Bimzelx. It's a particular injectable medicine, what we call a biologic medicine that blocks a signaling molecule, interleukin 17A and interleukin 17F. In clinical trials, it's been shown to be a very, very robust medicine.