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Rothman Orthopaedic Institute

October 08, 2018
1 min read

Sports medicine surgeon joins Rothman Orthopaedic Institute

Sports medicine surgeon joins Rothman Orthopaedic Institute

Rothman Orthopaedic Institute announced sports medicine surgeon, Frank Alberta, MD, has joined its practice.

September 25, 2018
1 min read

Rothman Orthopaedic Institute opens new office in New York

Rothman Orthopaedic Institute announced the opening of its first office in New York City.

September 14, 2018
3 min read

Future of out-of-network care in orthopedics is uncertain

Future of out-of-network care in orthopedics is uncertain

Despite having the highest health care costs in the world, there is constant concern in the United States about the challenges of maintaining health care’s financial stability. The ability to receive appropriate compensation for patient care is threatened by declining reimbursements.

September 14, 2018
7 min read

A 15-year-old patient with right ankle pain, difficulty walking uphill

A 15-year-old male patient presented with difficulty walking uphill during the past 2.5 years due to involuntary flexion of the first, second and third toes of his right foot and limited ankle dorsiflexion. He reported difficulty with other movements that require maximal ankle dorsiflexion, including deep squats. He had mild discomfort with these movements and noted bothersome callus formation occurred over the dorsal interphalangeal joint of the hallux and the distal plantar aspect of the first three toes. He had not received any treatment. The patient has a history of a right triplane ankle fracture with an associated fibula fracture that occurred approximately 3 years prior. At the time of injury, he underwent internal fixation through a medial approach to the tibia and lateral approach to the fibula.

September 13, 2018
3 min read

Increased narcotic use seen after shoulder arthroplasty with interscalene block plus Exparel

Increased narcotic use seen after shoulder arthroplasty with interscalene block plus Exparel

Patients who received interscalene brachial plexus block plus soft tissue infiltration with Exparel when undergoing primary shoulder arthroplasty used significantly more narcotics postoperatively and had no significant reduction in pain scores in the early postoperative period compared with patients who received interscalene brachial plexus block alone, according to results published in The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery.

August 28, 2018
1 min read

Rothman Orthopaedic Institute opens new office in Tarrytown, New York

Rothman Orthopaedic Institute opens new office in Tarrytown, New York

Rothman Orthopaedic Institute announced the opening of its new office in Tarrytown, New York.

August 14, 2018
3 min read

Revisit your approach to achieve goals at work, home

Revisit your approach to achieve goals at work, home

Becoming an orthopedic surgeon requires years of hard work, focus and achievement. Intuitively, many orthopedic surgeons envision and work toward goals. Some may adopt a systematic approach, but most seem to use personal abilities without a clear plan other than answering questions about hopes for the future.

August 14, 2018
9 min read

Diagnostic potential of ultrasound not yet fully realized

Diagnostic potential of ultrasound not yet fully realized

Since its first recorded description in the literature, musculoskeletal ultrasonography has been shown to be beneficial for diagnosis and treatment in orthopedics by providing focused, real-time assessment of soft-tissue vascularity through a non-contrast Doppler scan and in less time than MRI. Its portability, low cost, and use to guide injections and as an educational tool were highlighted by sources for this Cover Story as some advantages of ultrasonography.

August 14, 2018
5 min read

An adolescent with acute, atraumatic knee pain while playing basketball

A 13-year-old male patient presented approximately 2 weeks after he sustained an atraumatic, left knee injury while playing basketball. The injury occurred when the patient was pivoting and shooting. He was unable to precisely identify when he first felt a pop within his knee. The patient developed acute left knee swelling. Although able to tolerate weight-bearing, he had discomfort and felt an occasional clunk with knee flexion/extension. The pain was predominantly described as involving the lateral aspect of the knee. He was initially seen at an urgent care facility in the days following his injury and was then seen by a local orthopedic surgeon before he presented to our clinic for second opinion.

August 14, 2018
8 min read

Adequacy of deformity correction must be considered in arthroscopic vs open ankle arthrodesis, part 2

Adequacy of deformity correction must be considered in arthroscopic vs open ankle arthrodesis, part 2

The appropriate indications for arthroscopic ankle fusion are debated. Studies have demonstrated low rates of nonunion and complications with the arthroscopic technique that are comparable to traditional open ankle fusion. Despite this, open approaches are widely used.

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