The Latest News and Notes, plus Conversation with Stephen McLeod, MD
Live from ASCRS: Meeting hacks to help you survive and thrive!
The Latest News and Notes, plus Conversation with Sean Ianchulev, MD, MPH
Newsweek names PCON contributors among best eye doctors
VIDEO: ‘Arc of material’ presented at private equity meeting
NEW YORK — At the Open Your Eyes to Private Equity meeting preceding OSN New York 2019, moderator John B. Pinto discusses the inaugural event, featuring “a whole arc of material, from basic to intermediate to advanced” presented in discussions on how ophthalmologists are affected through private equity partnerships.
Julia Haller, MD, sees opportunity to advocate for ophthalmology as new member of National Academy of Medicine
9th Asia-Pacific Eye Care Week
The Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology would like to thank all member societies that participated in this important event organized by the APAO Public Education Standing Committee. Special thanks go to the two subspecialty member societies, the Asia Cornea Society and the Asia-Pacific Vitreo-retina Society, for providing public educational materials for all APAO member societies to use.
First-ever APAO Young Ophthalmologists Travel Grants
To celebrate the diamond jubilee 60th anniversary of the Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology and to support young ophthalmologists attending the 35th APAO Congress, for the first time in history, the APAO is launching its Young Ophthalmologists Travel Grants to up to five residents in training or fellows in the Asia-Pacific region. Each successful applicant will receive US$1,000 if they live outside the host country of the 35th APAO Congress, which is China, whereas those who live in the host country will receive US$300.
9th Asia-Pacific Eye Care Week
This year, the APAO Public Education Standing Committee partnered with the Central Secretariat to suggest two themes for the event: meibomian gland dysfunction and age-related macular degeneration. Two of APAO’s Subspecialty Member Societies, the Asia Cornea Society and Asia-Pacific Vitreo-retina Society, will co-organize the 2019 Eye Care Week and help to produce a comprehensive set of educational materials and a media kit, available on the APAO website. Member societies are invited to use the reference materials for public educational purposes during the 9th Asia-Pacific Eye Care Week. For ideas on educational or service activities that can be held during Eye Care Week, take a look at reports from previous events.
Back to basics on AI
AI is an umbrella term that brings together concepts from several fields such as statistics, algorithmics, machine learning, information retrieval and data science at large. Machine learning (ML), a sub-discipline of AI, is the scientific study of algorithms and statistical models that are able to learn how to perform a specific task without using explicit instructions by relying on patterns and inference instead. Consequently, ML algorithms are highly “data hungry,” often requiring thousands of observations to reach acceptable performance.2