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Lubricant Eye Drop

June 08, 2022
1 min read

Théa iVizia OTC products now available in the US

Théa Pharma Inc. announced its iVizia line of over-the-counter eye care products, which includes eye drops, eye gel and three options for daily hygiene of sensitive eyelids, is now available in the U.S.

August 03, 2021
1 min read

Bausch releases eye drops, wipes to combat dry eye irritation

Bausch + Lomb announced the launch of Biotrue Hydration Boost Lubricant Eye Drops and Biotrue Micellar Eyelid Cleansing Wipes, which are designed to alleviate dry eye symptoms and eyelid buildup.

November 27, 2019
2 min read

BLOG: Dry eye treatment paradigm shifts

We’ve seen a paradigm shift in our approach towards patients, evolving from merely looking at the eye itself to considering the patient as a whole.

November 18, 2019
5 min read

Wet cheekbones: Is it time to move away from eye drops?

There is this really cool “meeting before the meeting” that occurs on the Thursday of ASCRS and AAO week each year. The Ophthalmology Innovation Summit is the brainchild of Emmett Cunningham, a uveitis specialist who now spends his days nurturing startups. Many of the cutting-edge tech, device and pharma companies that surround our practices come together under the OIS tent to present their latest ideas to an audience that includes various and sundry “masters of the universe” types looking for their next blockbuster investment. Frankly, it is a bit pricey, but if you can sneak away on the day before Subspecialty Day, it is a fascinating look into what may be coming to your office.

November 11, 2019
1 min watch

VIDEO: New artificial tear for contact lens wearers, non-wearers

ORLANDO, Fla. – Whitney Hauser, OD, said she has been prescribing Allergan’s new artificial tear, Refresh Relieva, for her patients.

October 22, 2019
2 min read

BLOG: Early intervention matters when treating dry eye

As eye care practitioners, we seek to preserve the vision and ocular health of our patients — we are the gatekeepers who can find eye disease before it progresses. Just as we are vigilant in looking for early stage glaucoma, we must also look for dry eye disease, even in asymptomatic patients.

October 07, 2019
1 min read

Allergan launches new line of artificial tears

Allergan announced the launch of its Refresh Relieva lubricant eye drop product line, an expansion of the Refresh portfolio.

August 27, 2019
4 min read

Consider nighttime evaporative stress in all dry eye patients

Research published over the last decade strongly reinforces the idea that dry eye specialists should be aggressively looking for – and subsequently managing – nocturnal evaporative stress in the dry eye and meibomian gland dysfunction patient populations.

August 24, 2019
2 min read

OSN cover story focuses on ophthalmic drug shortages

Some features in the Aug. 25 issue of Ocular Surgery News focus on ophthalmic drug shortages and the use of generic drugs in such shortages.

August 19, 2019
5 min read

Artificial tears are important: why and how to use them

Once upon a time in Ozthalmology, the yellow brick road to treatment was lined by nothing but bottles of artificial tears and — yikes — Visine. Everybody and nobody was an eye doctor who treated dry eye back then because everything worked and did not work just about the same for dry eye. I used to send DED patients to the pharmacy with advice that was equally colorful and vague. “Go buy some artificial tears. Get the most expensive ones or the cheapest. Buy the biggest box or the smallest one. I really like purple.

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