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Health Equity

October 24, 2021
3 min watch

In Health Equity, the award goes to ...

In Health Equity, the award goes to ...

This award goes to a physician who has made meaningful change to overcome the social determinants of health in gastroenterology. The awardee is seen as a model of how identifying and addressing social determinants of health can better patient care.

October 19, 2021
4 min read

T1D Exchange brings together clinics, data to improve outcomes in type 1 diabetes

T1D Exchange brings together clinics, data to improve outcomes in type 1 diabetes

Osagie Ebekozien, MD, MPH, CPHQ, was working in Boston’s public health department in 2015 when his wife was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.

October 12, 2021
5 min read

Q&A: Healthline Media creates language guide to destigmatize health topics

Q&A: Healthline Media creates language guide to destigmatize health topics

Healthline Media recently announced the launch of its Conscious Language Guide, a tool that health care professionals can use to communicate with patients in a more “empathetic and non-stigmatizing” way, according to the organization.

September 21, 2021
1 min read

J&J commits to increase people of color in eye care industry

Johnson & Johnson Vision announced it is collaborating with Black EyeCare Perspective to grow the percentage of Black people in the eye care industry to 13% to mirror the number of Blacks in the U.S. population.

September 21, 2021
12 min watch

VIDEO: Disparities exist in GI grand rounds speakerships

VIDEO: Disparities exist in GI grand rounds speakerships

Although female representation in the workforce increased from 11% in 2007 to 18.9% in 2019, the proportion of women in senior leadership positions remained lower compared with men.

September 15, 2021
2 min read

Work together to make diversity in GI the ‘norm’ not an exception

Work together to make diversity in GI the ‘norm’ not an exception

This month’s cover story celebrates the changing landscape of the practice of gastroenterology and highlights many of the exceptional voices spearheading this charge. The article makes a powerful case that a diverse workforce will improve patient care, provide role models for the next generation of professionals in gastroenterology and result in greater physician retention in the field. These benefits of increased diversity are not lost on me as I embark on my new position as director of the University of Chicago’s Center for Endoscopic Research and Therapeutics (CERT), one of the few independent units for advanced endoscopy in the country.

September 15, 2021
4 min read

Leadership: Communicate openly, take the risk, keep your priorities

Leadership: Communicate openly, take the risk, keep your priorities

In spring 2020, I entered a new role as Chair of Medicine, learning a new position and campus, and moving a family across the country during a pandemic. As a physician, woman, spouse and mother, I have learned so much about what we need from leaders and what we need to do as leaders.

September 15, 2021
14 min read

Diversity in GI ‘actually matters and actually saves lives’

Diversity in GI ‘actually matters and actually saves lives’

While 2020 brought diversity to the forefront of many physicians’ minds, 2021 brought about more concrete action.

September 10, 2021
2 min read

Partnership between HHS, ASN has power to ‘dramatically change’ kidney care

Partnership between HHS, ASN has power to ‘dramatically change’ kidney care

KidneyX, a public-private partnership forged by HHS and the American Society of Nephrology, is uniquely poised to spur change in kidney care, Rachel L. Levine, MD, said.

September 10, 2021
2 min read

KidneyX celebrates artificial kidney innovation, maintains focus on health equity

KidneyX celebrates artificial kidney innovation, maintains focus on health equity

The 2021 KidneyX Summit – held virtually again this year – serves as a celebration of innovation in kidney failure treatments, while also presenting attendees with an opportunity to recommit to health equity, according to a speaker.

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