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Eye Drop

February 24, 2023
3 min read

BLOG: 5 reasons patients struggle with eye drops and how to help them

BLOG: 5 reasons patients struggle with eye drops and how to help them

Optometrists prescribe eye drops to patients every day for a variety of conditions, including chronic, progressive diseases like glaucoma, and we give the most basic of instructions: “Put a drop in each eye, twice a day.” Simple, right?

February 21, 2023
2 min read

‘Clinically significant’ collarette resolution, Demodex mite eradication with lotilaner

&lsquo;Clinically significant&rsquo; collarette resolution, <i>Demodex</i> mite eradication with lotilaner

SAN DIEGO — Nearly 90% of patients with Demodex blepharitis experienced clinically meaningful cure rates of their collarettes after using lotilaner ophthalmic solution 0.25% twice daily for 43 days, according to a poster presented at Academy 2022.

February 07, 2023
3 min read

First year of prescribing yields tips, insights on Vuity

First year of prescribing yields tips, insights on Vuity

Vuity has been available for more than a year, in which time we have learned a lot about this modality for treating presbyopia and honed our methods for selecting, screening and educating patients.

February 01, 2023
1 min watch

VIDEO: Areas of unmet need in dry eye

VIDEO: Areas of unmet need in dry eye

In these videos, Preeya K. Gupta, MD, FACS, associate professor of ophthalmology at Duke University, talks about the various treatment options for dry eye, both approved and in the pipeline, as well as challenges in diagnosis.

February 01, 2023
1 min watch

VIDEO: Treatments in the pipeline for DME

VIDEO: Treatments in the pipeline for DME

Healio spoke with Rishi P. Singh, MD, about treatments in the pipeline for diabetic macular edema.

January 13, 2023
2 min read

BLOG: Use those drops again

BLOG: Use those drops again

We shrug our shoulders. We roll our eyes. We think, “What’s the use?” Those of us in the medical field have become painfully accustomed to seeing waste in caring for patients.

January 06, 2023
1 min read

Enrollment complete in phase 3 study of eye drop for diabetic macular edema

Enrollment complete in phase 3 study of eye drop for diabetic macular edema

Oculis has completed enrollment in the first stage of a phase 3 study evaluating a topical eye drop for the treatment of diabetic macular edema, according to a press release.

January 04, 2023
2 min read

When should a patient with presbyopia switch from drops to a surgical treatment?

When should a patient with presbyopia switch from drops to a surgical treatment?

The decision to move to a permanent surgical treatment for presbyopia is an individual choice. It depends on the patient’s exams, their stage of life, the way their eyes are aging and their ultimate goals.

January 04, 2023
3 min read

Surgeon shares how compounding has taken on large role in his cataract surgery practice

Surgeon shares how compounding has taken on large role in his cataract surgery practice

At Williamson Eye, we have converted to compounded intraoperative and postoperative medications for all our cataract surgery procedures. We also use compounded drugs for postoperative LASIK drops and some other indications.

November 19, 2022
3 min watch

VIDEO: Ocuphire partners with Viatris for marketing, commercialization of Nyxol eye drop

VIDEO: Ocuphire partners with Viatris for marketing, commercialization of Nyxol eye drop

NEW YORK — In this Healio Video Perspective from OSN New York, Mina Sooch, founder and CEO of Ocuphire Pharma, discusses the company’s partnership with Viatris for the marketing and commercialization of the Nyxol eye drop.

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