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December 08, 2020
2 min read

Female physicians spend significantly more time on EHRs than male physicians

Female physicians spend significantly more time on EHRs than male physicians

Female physicians spent a median of 33.4 additional minutes daily — or more than three additional 40-hour work weeks annually — working on electronic health records than their male counterparts, researchers reported.

December 06, 2020
6 min watch

VIDEO: HCV requires very little monitoring to be treated effectively

VIDEO: HCV requires very little monitoring to be treated effectively

Patients who received all medication up front and only monitored via two phone calls over 12 weeks achieved 95% sustained virologic response, according to a presentation at The Digital Liver Meeting Experience.

December 03, 2020
5 min watch

VIDEO: PWIDs engaged in HCV treatment can achieve SVR

VIDEO: PWIDs engaged in HCV treatment can achieve SVR

Using two methods of engagement – with methadone treatment or in a navigation setting – researchers at The Digital Liver Meeting Experience showed people who inject drugs can achieve viral response in hepatitis C virus.

December 03, 2020
6 min watch

VIDEO: HCV epidemiology studies highlight challenges of meeting WHO elimination goals

VIDEO: HCV epidemiology studies highlight challenges of meeting WHO elimination goals

Two epidemiological studies presented at The Digital Liver Meeting Experience revealed the work left in achieving elimination goals in hepatitis C virus.

November 14, 2020
2 min read

BP control, frequency of measurements minimally impacted during COVID-19 pandemic

BP control, frequency of measurements minimally impacted during COVID-19 pandemic

The number of BP readings performed by adults in a home BP management program and overall BP control were not impacted during the COVID-19 pandemic compared with data from 2019, according to new research.

October 26, 2020
2 min read

Minority participation remains low in U.S. diabetes cardiovascular outcome trials

Minority participation remains low in U.S. diabetes cardiovascular outcome trials

Diabetes cardiovascular outcome trials are enrolling a lower percentage of minority participants than what is reflective of United States’ population, according to a presenter at the virtual Cardiometabolic Health Congress.

October 20, 2020
2 min read

Similar THA results seen with arthroplasty surgeons vs other orthopedic subspecialists

Study results show no difference in value of care or acute outcomes for patients with hip fractures who underwent total hip arthroplasty by a fellowship-trained adult reconstruction surgeon compared with other orthopedic subspecialists.

October 20, 2020
1 min read



Impact on days alive and out of hospital from suspending orcontinuing ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers for COVID-19.

October 19, 2020
1 min read

Black patients older than 80 years may be at high risk for return ED visit after THA, TKA

Black patients older than 80 years may be at high risk for return ED visit after THA, TKA

Black race, age older than 80 years and multiple comorbidities are independent risk factors for unplanned emergency department visits after total hip and knee arthroplasties, according to published results.

October 13, 2020
2 min read

NiCord improves efficacy of bone marrow transplant for hematologic malignancies

NiCord improves efficacy of bone marrow transplant for hematologic malignancies

A phase 3 trial of omidubicel has shown the graft modality superior to standard umbilical cord blood for bone marrow transplantation in patients with hematologic malignancies, according to topline data released by the agent’s manufacturer.

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