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Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery

April 03, 2023
3 min read

High, low hemoglobin levels without anemia predict mortality risk after CABG

High, low hemoglobin levels without anemia predict mortality risk after CABG

Higher preoperative hemoglobin levels are associated with higher mortality in both men and women after CABG, whereas patients with lower limits of normal hemoglobin levels were at greater risk compared with mid‐normal values, data show.

March 30, 2023
2 min read

Radial graft bests right internal thoracic artery, saphenous vein for CABG at 15 years

Radial graft bests right internal thoracic artery, saphenous vein for CABG at 15 years

Radial artery graft for the second most important coronary target was associated with lower 15-year all-cause mortality vs. right internal thoracic artery or saphenous vein graft for CABG, researchers reported.

March 02, 2023
1 min read

Women still have higher risk vs. men for adverse outcomes after coronary artery grafting

Women still have higher risk vs. men for adverse outcomes after coronary artery grafting

Women remain at significantly higher risk than men for adverse outcomes after coronary artery bypass grafting with no substantial improvements observed in the last decade, according to a retrospective cohort study published in JAMA Surgery.

February 28, 2023
2 min read

CABG outperforms PCI in multivessel disease in real-world cohort with ACS

CABG outperforms PCI in multivessel disease in real-world cohort with ACS

In a real-world cohort of Medicare beneficiaries with ACS and multivessel CAD, CABG conferred lower odds of mortality, readmission and repeat procedures compared with PCI, researchers reported.

January 19, 2023
2 min read

Machine learning algorithms improve mortality prediction in hypertension after CABG

Machine learning algorithms improve mortality prediction in hypertension after CABG

Among adults with hypertension who underwent CABG, five machine learning models using patient characteristics each demonstrated acceptable predictive ability for 1-year mortality risk, data from a single-center study show.

November 04, 2022
1 min read

N-acetylcysteine does not decrease AF incidence after CABG

N-acetylcysteine does not decrease AF incidence after CABG

N-acetylcysteine, an antioxidant supplement, administered with carvedilol did not prevent postoperative atrial fibrillation in patients who underwent CABG compared with carvedilol alone, data from a single-center study show.

October 10, 2022
8 min read

The Take Home: TCT

The Take Home: TCT

Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics, held Sept. 16 to 19 in Boston, featured the latest clinical science in interventional cardiology, as well as forums on innovative technologies, regulatory matters and other topics.

September 29, 2022
2 min read

Top news of TCT 2022: PCI vs. CABG in multivessel CAD, PROTECTED TAVR results and more

Top news of TCT 2022: PCI vs. CABG in multivessel CAD, PROTECTED TAVR results and more

Healio and Cardiology Today have compiled a list of the most-read news in CV intervention from TCT 2022.

September 22, 2022
1 min read



Effect of 4% albumin solution vs. Ringer’s acetate as priming solution in CABG.

September 20, 2022
2 min read

FFR may predict 1-year outcomes, target vessel failure after PCI for multivessel CAD

FFR may predict 1-year outcomes, target vessel failure after PCI for multivessel CAD

BOSTON — Addition of fractional flow reserve to the classic SYNTAX score enabled researchers to identify patients with multivessel CAD undergoing PCI who would have similar 1-year outcomes as those who received CABG, a speaker reported.

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