SMILE Xtra yields stable outcomes in suboptimal cases
VIDEO: Study investigates method to enhance predictability of effective lens position
PARIS — At the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons meeting, David Touboul, MD, PhD, speaks about a study currently ongoing in Bordeaux, France, in which OCT is used to measure crystalline lens position and diameter. A new method might be developed to optimize predictability of effective lens position and IOL selection.
VIDEO: Synergy IOL provides wide, continuous range of vision
PARIS — At the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons meeting, Francesco Carones, MD, speaks about his early results with the new Tecnis Synergy IOL (Johnson & Johnson Vision) for presbyopia. He also explains why this lens is able to provide unique advantages in terms of continuous, wide range of vision with no fluctuations from 30 cm to far distance, even in dim light conditions.
Santen launches xact Mono-EDoF IOL
VIDEO: Expert speaks on how to prevent photic phenomena after LASIK
PARIS — At the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons meeting, Noel Alpins, MD, gives pearls on how to prevent residual corneal astigmatism and related nighttime visual phenomena in LASIK patients. He also gives instructions on how to get access to an online free vector planning calculator.
VIDEO: J&J Vision launches Tecnis Synergy IOL, preloaded injectors
PARIS — At the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons meeting, Tom Frinzi, worldwide president of surgical, Johnson & Johnson Vision, speaks about newly launched products: Tecnis Synergy, a continuous range of vision IOL for presbyopia, and two preloaded injectors, one disposable and one reusable. Commitment to innovation is the core philosophy of the company, he says.