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October 01, 2004
5 min read

French survey links low compensation rates with declining quality of care

PARIS – Substantial differences among the health care systems of European countries make reimbursement rates for cataract surgery difficult to compare, according to a survey conducted by French ophthalmologists. However, a constant factor that emerged from the survey is that wherever compensation is low, the quality of care is declining.

July 01, 2004
5 min read

Making topical anesthesia work in refractive lens exchange

Today’s column will be a short, practical description of our “love-hate relationship” with topical anesthesia and how we finally made it work consistently and reliably on our cataract and, more importantly, our refractive lens exchange patients.

January 01, 2004
4 min read

Surgical solutions for presbyopia abound

The restoration of reading vision for patients with presbyopia is shaping up to be one of the most important components of lens-based refractive surgery. We increasingly hear about the emergence of the baby boomers as an entire generation of eager candidates for a permanent surgical solution. In my last column I tried to discourage this sort of hyperbolic demographic projection that could lead us to overreach and repeat the “next new thing” problem we encountered with LASIK.

September 01, 2003
5 min read

Meta-analysis shows combined procedures more effective

There are definite advantages to combining cataract and glaucoma surgeries, and the choice of surgical methods significantly affects outcomes, according to a meta-analysis of published reports.

August 01, 2003
3 min read

Change is slow for Belgium’s outpatient reimbursement

ANTWERP, Belgium — Reimbursement for outpatient ophthalmic procedures has improved over time in Belgium, but the climate is still not right for freestanding outpatient facilities. Outpatient surgery is paid for by the government only if performed in a hospital’s day-surgery department, according to a surgeon who has worked for change in this policy.

May 01, 2003
3 min read

Akreos Disc IOL helps prevent PCO, two studies show

The Akreos Disc IOL helped prevent posterior capsular opacification in cataract patients, according to two surgeons discussing two separate studies.

August 01, 2001
3 min read

Strabismus after cataract surgery a growing concern

BALTIMORE — Over the past two decades, strabismologists have noticed an increase in the number of patients with strabismus after cataract surgery that seems to be caused by the anesthetic used in the procedure.

April 01, 2001
4 min read

Cell loss varies with nuclear density post phaco

Disruption of corneal endothelium function after cataract surgery results in corneal edema, decreased cell density and hexagonal cell change, although the return to the normal state is rapid in most cases.

March 01, 2001
5 min read

Government keeps tight fists around health care budget in the Netherlands

In order to control the amount of money spent on health care, the government in the Netherlands has prearranged a set number of medical specialists permitted to practice in the country. Health care providers worry that not increasing the number of doctors to match the growing rate of the population will result in detrimental effects on the way health care procedures are performed and will limit access to health care. Long waiting lists for needed procedures are already a problem here, with some cataract patients having to wait up to a year for surgery.

December 01, 2000
5 min read

Realistic expectations are important for patient satisfaction with multifocal IOLs

VENICE — Patient selection is important with the Array multifocal IOL (Allergan, Irvine, U.S.A.), and the surgeon must take into account ocular health, refractive error and the patient’s personality and lifestyle, according to David F. Chang, MD, who spoke about multifocals at the Venice 2000 meeting, sponsored by Ocular Surgery News, the Italian Association of Cataract and Refractive Surgery and the International Society of Refractive Surgery.

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