Proper treatment, early detection can lower odds of diabetic eye disease
Johnson & Johnson Vision launches Tecnis toric II one-piece IOL
SURGICAL VIDEO: Iris prosthesis implant surgery
NEW YORK — At OSN New York 2019, Brandon D. Ayres, MD, of Wills Eye Hospital, shows the surgical implantation of a new iris prosthesis. The young patient had an anterior subcapsular cataract from prior iris prosthesis damage. Ayres said he prefers implanting the prosthesis inside of the capsular bag, while others prefer to leave it in the anterior chamber. – by David W. Mullin
BLOG: If you could clone yourself
Doctors, what is your most valuable resource and the one thing every patient wants more of? Your time. Being an excellent doctor requires lots of listening and educating, and that takes time. Studies show that patients will forgive many faults in their journey through your practice, including long wait times, if they feel they got enough of your attention. Surgical patients in particular have many concerns and questions, and understanding proper expectations is so crucial for a happy outcome.
Few adverse events seen with Micro-Stent in open-angle glaucoma
Surgeon recommends ODs keep MIGS referrals ‘general’

ORLANDO, Fla. – Optometrists should know the available options for minimally invasive glaucoma surgery and their mechanisms of action, but they should not recommend a specific procedure to a patient when making a surgical referral, Constance O. Okeke, MD, MSCE, said here at the Optometric Glaucoma Society meeting, held prior to the American Academy of Optometry meeting.