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Clinical Guidance
Rheumatoid Arthritis

Preclinical Rheumatoid Arthritis

John J. Cush, MD; Michael E. Weinblatt, MD; Arthur Kavanaugh, MD

Free clinical reference tool that includes treatment options; diagnosis information; guidelines; and more.

April 22, 2024
2 min watch

VIDEO: Healio Rheumatology outlines the ‘essence of making a happy career’

VIDEO: <i>Healio Rheumatology</i> outlines the &lsquo;essence of making a happy career&rsquo;

In this video exclusive, Leonard Calabrese, DO, chief medical editor of Healio Rheumatology, lays out the top stories out of the April issue, including the cover story centering on providers’ priorities regarding work-life balance.

March 25, 2024
1 min watch

VIDEO: Autoimmunity ‘surging’ in the general population

VIDEO: Autoimmunity &lsquo;surging&rsquo; in the general population

In this Healio video exclusive, Leonard Calabrese, DO, chief medical editor of Healio Rheumatology, breaks down top items from the March issue, including a roundtable on “surging” autoimmunity in the general population.

December 27, 2023
2 min read

Healio Rheuminations talked burnout with the Glaucomfleckens, tackled autoimmunity in 2023

Healio Rheuminations talked burnout with the Glaucomfleckens, tackled autoimmunity in 2023

Move over, Marc Maron. Step aside, Sharon Says So. Make way for Adam Brown, MD, of the Cleveland Clinic, host of the “Healio Rheuminations” podcast.

November 15, 2023
24 min listen

It's in the Air: Silica exposure and the risk of autoimmunity, Part 4

It's in the Air: Silica exposure and the risk of autoimmunity, Part 4

What is silica? How does it impact your risk of developing autoimmunity if you inhale it, inject it or even snort it up your nose? Listen and find out!

August 17, 2023
39 min listen

The Geography of Autoimmunity, Part 2

The Geography of Autoimmunity, Part 2

This episode delves into what we can learn about the impact of the environment on autoimmunity, digging into how rates of autoimmunity can vary drastically in different parts of the world.

July 12, 2023
38 min listen

The Environment and Autoimmunity, Part 1

The Environment and Autoimmunity, Part 1

This episode delves into the history of the hygiene hypothesis. What do we know about different exposures changing risk for asthma and allergies, and do these exposures have the same protection for autoimmunity?

May 02, 2023
2 min read

Thyroid autoimmunity not linked to embryo quality, birth rate with assisted reproduction

Thyroid autoimmunity not linked to embryo quality, birth rate with assisted reproduction

Thyroid autoimmunity among women with infertility was not associated with embryo quality or cumulative live birth rate after IVF or intracytoplasmic sperm injection, researchers reported in Thyroid.

May 10, 2022
5 min watch

VIDEO: Check thyroid autoimmunity for women with infertility

VIDEO: Check thyroid autoimmunity for women with infertility

In this video exclusive, Trevor E. Angell, MD, talks with Caroline T. Nguyen, MD, about the relationship between thyroid autoimmunity and women’s fertility.

February 18, 2022
3 min read

'We must do better': Celebrity cases pull autoimmunity epidemic into limelight

'We must do better': Celebrity cases pull autoimmunity epidemic into limelight

Every so often, autoimmunity hits the mainstream media. Usually this happens when a celebrity bravely uses their place in the limelight to raise awareness by publicly sharing news about their diagnosis.

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